Jeremy Vanderloop Concert

photo-92A few days ago, CGI had the honor of hosting a night of coffee and music at Foundry Provisions in downtown Indy. Jeremy Vanderloop was our special guest artist and he was fantastic!

Jeremy was a great balance of energy and “chill.” He had children dancing at his feet for some songs, and did some beautiful takes on classic hymns, too. At the end of his show, he passed out cards with photos of children being sponsored through his tour and asked us to pray for the child on the card in our hands. I had this amazing moment talking to God and realizing how much His heart must break every night when a child goes to bed hungry. I’m not sure if I’ve ever stopped to consider the depth of this, or if its my own current pregnancy that drove it home, but it was an emotional realization.

God loves us in a way that we will never understand. But he doesn’t just love middle and upper class Americans. His heart breaks as children go to bed starving and young girls are sold into trafficking, as teenage boys are turned into ruthless soldiers. Take some time to think about God’s love for ALL people. Share that with somebody today. Remind your children there are families with far less than we have. Give someone a hug and tell them you love them. You never know the impact you may be having on another.

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By Kristen Baynai

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