The Imprint Project: The Experience of Growth


What’s one word that you would use to describe the women in the Imprint Project?

“I would use the word “growing” because I see them growing from a girl who is young, immature, and know nothing about the sewing skill and now they are mature and care about their future and family.”

–Seiha, CGI Co-Director of Phnom Penh Operations


A term rarely used or even thought about when someone’s life has been placed in a horrible situation. The only thought that may run through their mind is: “doing what I have to do to survive and provide”.  We have recognized that women in Cambodia don’t have many opportunities to grow in a certain skill that can raise them above poverty. This is why we chose to create the Imprint Project.

With their experience in the Imprint project, our goal is to provide:

teaching practical habits for a healthy lifestyle and vital skills for generating a stable income.

social worker stays involved with each student as well as the student’s entire family

Spiritual formation and Bible studies are an integral part

“When they first started the project a year ago they were girls, now they have matured in many ways and are becoming adults.”

–Alan, CGI Cambodia

Stay tuned for an update on the next incoming class! We are excited to share their stories with you.

Achieving a Future: Nathan’s Update from Cambodia


Greetings from Battambang, Cambodia!  I’m about halfway through my two weeks here in Cambodia and it has been a great trip thus far.  Today was especially incredible as I was able to see and take part in the Culinary Training Center (CTC) graduation ceremony. 

Eight girls graduated and many of their family and relatives were in attendance. Several of the girls were overwhelmed with emotion upon receiving their certificate. I must admit that I was too as I watched and listened and imagined what the girls must be feeling with achieving this accomplishment.

I am delighted to say the mission of CGI has been fulfilled!  It was a beautiful culmination of 18 months of hard work, effort and energy.  We have been able to empower these young girls with skills and two of them have already found good paying jobs as chefs for another ministry (YWAM) cooking for 100+ people every day.  We have protected these vulnerable girls from what could have been a very unhealthy and dangerous future.  And best of all, we have shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with them as they have learned about a God who loves them – AND, their parents and relatives have now heard the Good News too!

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14)

The girls cooked a bunch of food and everyone – family and friends included – had lots to eat after the ceremony.  At one point during lunch I told Paul that I think this is the abundant life that Jesus promises us in John 10:10. It was a day that I wished I could bottle up and give to our supporters, church partners, volunteers, staff, board members, or anyone…to show them what God is doing through CGI in this beautiful country and the difference their support is truly making in the world.

A new class of 12 new girls has started and, Lord willing, they too will be empowered and protected…but most importantly they will hear the Good News of Jesus and experience His love like the students who have gone before them.

This day has left me feeling humbled and blessed.


Learn more about Center for Global Impact’s: CTC!